Where the grace & truth of
Jesus is changing lives.
Where the grace & truth of Jesus is changing lives.

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Grace Kids

From 6 weeks through kindergarten, we dig deep into the Bible each week to bring God's Word to life and enrich our hearts, minds and world through stories, worship, play and small groups. Our curriculum takes our children through the Bible, book by book, over a three year span.


At GracePointe, we want your kids to love church! That's why we are committed to creating safe and fun environments where your children are taught the Bible and the love of Jesus through relevant, age-appropriate worship, teaching and activities.



Limitless Student Ministry strives to bring students (grades 7-12) together in Christian community through weekly activities and special events throughout the year!



As GracePointe grows larger, we are committed to "growing smaller" as well. That is, we grow smaller and maintain close friendships through our D-Group ministry. Our groups provide a great environment for making friends, growing spiritually and caring for one another.



Our purpose is to support, equip and encourage women to know God's Word and to grow and seek Christ in their journey. We want to provide environments and opportunities for women to grow in Christ through the power of God's Word, Prayer, Discipleship & Fellowship.